Assistance Videos for Sections 1.1 and 1.2

Here are some links to videos I made to help with Puzzle Time 1.1.  The worksheet is due tomorrow by class time.  Make sure all work is shown in your workbook.

Click here for video assistance on question #5.

Click here for video assistance on question #11.


Here are some links to videos I made about distributing, combining like terms, and simplifying/solving.  These help with BIM #1 and #2

Click here for distributing and CLT.

Click her for simplifying, then solving.

Brown, Algebra 1, Quarter 1, Weeks 0 & 1

Main ideas:  We will start solving linear equations using inverse operations, the distributive property, and combining like terms.  Hopefully, by early in the week we will have Chromebooks and online accounts up and running, so assignments will be online.  Otherwise, assignments will be printed worksheets.

Thursday, 8/11:  First day of school stuff

Friday, 8/12:  Section 1.1- One step equations

Monday, 8/15:  More one step equations (Link to 1.1 WORKSHEET assigned, due Wednesday.)

Tuesday, 8/16:  Section 1.2- Two step equations :  NOTES

Wednesday, 8/17:  Section 1.2- Using the distributive property and combining like terms to solve:  NOTES

Thursday, 8/18:  Mixed review for solving one, two, and multi-step equations

Friday, 8/19:  Quiz over sections 1.1 and 1.2

Click here to see assignments and due dates for the week. This calendar is subject to change.

8th Grade Student Expectations

Attached is a copy of what I will be sending home on the first day of school with my 8th grade Algebra 1 students.  I do not want there to be any confusion about what is expected.  For many, this transition to a high school level course will not be an issue.  Others may struggle, and that’s OK.  If this class may not be the right fit at this time, that’s OK, too.  We just want to make sure that all students are where they need to be in order to succeed academically.

In my view, the biggest transition from middle to high school is the grading policy.  At the high school, we limit corrections and retests.  Our “retest”, so to speak, is a cumulative 9 week test given at the end of the quarter that will replace the previous lowest  test score.  Thus, a low test grade from earlier in the quarter will remain in the grade book until the end of that quarter when we take the 9 week test, and, hopefully, score high enough to replace that low grade.  This policy drives home the point to be prepared for tests the first time through, so a student doesn’t have to carry that lower grade for 5, 6, or 7 weeks. It also give the student plenty of time to know that they need to prepare for the 9 week test and get the help and assistance necessary.

Click here to see the 8th grade student expectation form.  Please ask to see your student’s physical copy.  Sign and return.

Staying In Contact With Mr. Brown

Contacting Mr. Brown for parents:

  • Email is easiest and best:  [email protected]
  • Phone:  903-291-2028.  I cannot guarantee as prompt a reply to a phone message compared to an email
  • In person (or Zoom) conference.  I will gladly meet in-person (or Zoom) if requested.  Any in-person conference will need to take place after 3:00, as that is when my conference period begins.

Contacting Mr. Brown for students:

  • Email is best.  I do not reply to student email after 9:30.  I’ll reply in the morning.
  • Google Classroom message.  Be aware, Google Classroom messages may not be private.  Others may see.  Use email if your message is private.

Parent Contact from Mr. Brown

  • This blog (  Lesson plans and changes/updates posted weekly.  Need-to-know information also posted as necessary.
  • Email.  Please make sure the email listed in Skyward is up to date.  I’ll often send mass emails through Skyward.
  • Phone. Again, please make sure the primary phone contact is up to date in Skyward.
  • Letters/notes given to student.  If I am unable to make contact, I may send information home with your student.

Student Contact from Mr. Brown

  • This blog
  • Google Classroom message (public or private)
  • Email.  Depending upon importance, student email may be carbon copied to parent/principal/other teachers.


Parents:  email is best to communicate and receive communication.  Don’t forget about this Blog.

Students:  Google Classroom is best for work related communication.  Email for private messages.

From Mr. Brown:  My reply to many emails is to simply refer to Google Classroom or the Blog.  Most information can be found there.  Look there first.



Needed Supplies for Mr. Brown’s Algebra Class

All students will need these supplies on a daily basis.  Having the necessary supplies and being prepared for class EVERYDAY will allow for better learning and skill development, both in and out of the classroom.


  • sharpened (or mechanical) pencils
  • highlighter
  • blue or red grading pen (not black)
  • a single subject spiral notebook (or composition book) for IN CLASS NOTES only (I call this the “Notebook”)*
  • a single subject spiral notebook (or composition book) for WORK/ASSIGNMENTS only (I call this the “Workbook”)*
  • a CHARGED, functioning Chromebook**

*the notebook and workbook must be separate, as the workbook will be turned in on a regular basis while the notebook will be kept.  A 3 or 5 subject spiral will not work.

**Students are expected to be responsible with their Chromebook.  If we can remember to charge our phone daily, we can do the same with our Chromebook.  Chronic dead batteries will not be tolerated.  If a Chromebook is broken, it is the student’s responsibility to get a loaner from the library ASAP before class.  This can be done before school or during lunch/enrichment.