WOHS, Algebra 1, Quarter 2, Week 5 and 6 Plans

Monday, 11/11:  No School; Veterans Day

Tuesday, 11/12:  – 4.3 Standard Form:  What is it and how do I write it?  In class notes and practice worksheet.

Wednesday 11/13: – Writing linear equations of all forms:  slope-intercept, point-slope, and standard form in-class activity

Thursday, 11/14: – Writing linear equations quiz.  Begin 4.4:equations of parallel and perpendicular lines

Friday, 11/15: – Parallel and perpendicular lines, continued

Monday, 11/18:  Writing Linear Equations Review:  finding slopes, finding y-intercepts, writing all types of equations, parallel and perpendicular lines and equations

Tuesday, 11/19:  Chapter 4 Test: Sections 1-4

Wednesday, 11/20- Linear Regression:  Lines of Best Fit (By Hand)

Thursday, 11/21:  Lines of Best Fit (With Technology)

Friday, 11/21:  Lines of Best Fit (With Technology)



WOHS, Algebra 1, Quarter 2, Week 1 Plans

Monday, 10/14-  Section 3.5:  Graphing y=mx+b, with a focus on the characteristics and calculations of slope.  3.5 Worksheet is assigned.

Tuesday, 10/15- Section 3.5, continued, with a focus on identifying slope and y-intercepts, then graphing.  Online practice assigned.

Wednesday, 10/16-  Workday.  For students who are present for class this day, worksheet 3.5 is due at the end of the class period.  For students not in class (mostly band students at marching contest [Good Luck!]), the assignment is due at the beginning of class on Monday.  If possible, it should be turned in before leaving school.  The online assignment is due Friday at 4:00 for all students.  Plenty of time to get it finished.