WOHS, Algebra 1, Quarter 3, Week 3 Plans

Tuesday, 1/21:  Exponent Matching Activity (for major grade)

Wednesday, 1/22:  Introduction to Exponential Functions

Thursday, 1/23:  Exponential Functions (Growth and Decay)

Friday, 1/24:  Exponential Functions (Growth and Decay)


The test for exponential functions and exponential growth/decay will be on Tuesday 1/28.

WOHS, Algebra 1, Quarter 3, Week 1

Ahhhhh. The start of a new semester.  Let’s go!

Monday, 1/6:  Teacher Work Day, No Students

Tuesday, 1/7:  Welcome back, Students!!  Review BINGO:  Writing y=mx+b and Solving Two Step Equations

Wednesday, 1/8: Solving Equations Using Systems

Thursday, 1/9:  Quiz:  Solving and Rewriting;  Begin Chapter 6:  Intro to Exponents

Friday, 1/10:  Intro to Exponents, Part 2